Participation in the First Triennial "Concept"
The I Tryenale "Kantsept" Belaruskaga sayuza mastakoў adkryetstsa ¢ Respublіkanskay mastatskay galeree "Palace art" 18 Listapad 2021 ¢ 18.00 i pradstavіts gledacham zrez works most strife mastatskіh praktyk vyadomyh i Young of Belarusian aўtaraў of Mіnska i ўsіh Belarusian regions of Belarus, yakіya aktyўna pratsuyuts sonnya ¢ getym nakirunku.
In the exhibition and in the development of "Kantsept", there have been many works, as well as integral projects in the art of various genres, and techniques of vyyaўlenchaga and dekaratana-prydnogo masters, photography, percussionists, masters of art We give words to creativity, which is adchuvaye syaba otulna pa-for traditional classical frames, new forms and new senses. The exhibition in May is of the republican character, and the adzelu was asked to be the foremost masters, as well as the students and all the greedy ones, as the priestly papieradny ads of the Belarusian side of the masters.
Sonnya mastership, adlustro-vayuchy dreadful repetition, nyase saba magutny zarad shavannyh sensu - philasophical, satyyal, iranic, erracyanal ... It is not uncommon for the masters of good luck to know “patched up syredzina”, if they adore the lumpy and non-ardarian idea. I tady gledachy, yakia ryvykli and “gulnyak rozumu”, mayuts magchymasts atrymats asalodu and hell of intellectual riddles, and asked admis- sional realizations.
I Tryenale “Kantsept” has ўdzel kalya 200 aўtaraў. Skin care works for practical examinations, for example experiments with formay, plaster, color scheme, saintliness, gulnya with sense and place. Gladachachayuts metamarphosis, transpharmacy, actualization, perturbation. Sculpture and ceramics nabbayutsya lynx art-ab'ktaў, zhyvapіs arganіchna stanіtstsa asamblyazam, and tekstylnya kampazіtsі - plaster mix-media.
At the ancestor of the Palace there is a mastery of great things and with integral projects of a special ataraў. Thus, the art project “Luminarium” by the Grodzensk master Alyaksandr Baldakov is an abnormal gray art-abstract, graphic campazy and old-fashioned structures of chemists' yakatsyamy sacred and yago mastery transfer. Project "Zalezhnast" Valyantsky Lyakhovich Valyantsin Lyakhovich, resellers of the Vitsebsky Centers of Happy Artists, praising the most recent life and stationary abstracts ў Artists. "
Assistant projects І Tryenale "Kantsept" adkryuzza on the іnshy plyatski of the city ў pharmacy festival mastatstva. Partners of Belarusian Sayuz mastako z'yaўlyayutsa National Library of Belarus, Mastatskaya gallery Mikhaila Savitskaga, Garadskaya mastatskaya gallery of works LD Shchamyalyova, Art-gassёnetsa "Vysoka.
Festival Prague
19 listapada - Mastatskaya gallery of Mikhail Savitskag, exhibition project “Designatum” (sculpture, graphics). Adkryzzo ў 17.00
25 listapad - National Library of Belarus, exhibition project “Movement” (life from the cripples of GA “BSM” and works of exhibition project I Tryenale “Kantsept”). Adkryzzo ў 17.00
1 snowfield - Garad art gallery of artў LD Shchamyalyova, exhibition projects of the old step of the Belarusian master-avant-garde artist “Aleksandra Salaўёў. Yak yosts ... ”Adkrytsyo ў 18.00
8 Snowy - Art Gas Station "Vysokae Mestsa", exhibition of the expert textile "Tex-experience". Adkryzzo ў 18.00
Period of pratsy central exhibition ў Palace of craftsmanship: from 19th listapad to 16th snow of 2021
Central Exhibition Hour: 11:00 - 20:00, weekends - panyadzelak.
Address: Minsk, st. Kazlova, 3 (Palace of Art).
Cost biletaў: 8 BYN - per month, 4 BYN - allowances.
Tel. for inquiries: 8 (017) 395-15-49 (reception room); +375 (29) 264-68-48 (adzel exhibition)
Casa: 8 (017) 252 98 8