White stockings braids
Designer Valenki by Lora Pavlova «White stockings braids»
Hand made
100% wool
“History ever repeats itself.” This sounds especially true about fashion which relentlessly draws its inspiration from the past. In the 21st century “the 90s” and “the 70s”of the previous age, “everlasting classic style”, Vintage” as well as any other fashion reminiscences “are ruling the roost on podiums and in the wardrobes. While most comebacks are the result of our desire to rearrange clothes in the drawers, they have come into fashion to remind how elegant and comfortable our harsh winters can be.
Nobody has come up yet with the best alternative to valenki for our changeable winter. One feels neither hot nor cold in the footwear but pretty cosy even if the temperature is zero or 20 degrees below zero. They represent a new social trend towards natural products with health added benefits. Moreover modern valenki have no drawbacks of their predecessors: they are light and comfortable to wear and designed with rubber soles. But there is one more thing which makes them especially attractive – they are sensitive to fashion.
Designer valenki by Lora Pavlova are an ideal combination of one-thousand-year traditions of high quality with up-to-date design. Each pair is notable for comfort, elegance, durability and style. Bringing out new type of urban footwear Lora disproves all stereotypes with her designer valenki.
New “Classic” fashion collection includes laconic models with moderate décor. These are valenki with knitted stockings which allow adjusting the length of the top according to one’s mood or preferable image.
Each pair of valenki is carefully packed into a special linen sack together with lavender blossoms to protect them before winter period.
Quality valenki serve their owner for a long trouble free 10-year period. Anyway fashions may come and go but a happy owner of valenki by Lora Pavlova will invariably keep their feet in comfortable warmth however low the temperature may be.